The Clues of Monica’s Shawl

This page is created for Clues of the Monica’s Shawl.

You can send me some tip for this free pattern to help me create more beautiful designs. Thank you!

Here is a CLUE 1.

Here is a CLUE 2.

Here is a CLUE 3.

Here is a CLUE 4.

Here is a CLUE 5.

Here is a last clue – CLUE 6.


Here is all clues in GERMAN.

Happy knitting!

You can send me some tip for this free pattern to help me create more beautiful designs. Thank you!

86 mõtet “The Clues of Monica’s Shawl” kohta

  1. Catherine

    Thanks for a great pattern.
    I finished clue 2, but when I pick up my stitches, having not cut the yarn from the cast off, and turn to start the first row of clue 3, I’ve got 91 stitches, but am looking ag the rs, not the ws.
    Do I just knit a row to get to the ws, or cut the yarn and start again to get to where clue 3 starts?

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      At first pattern repeat you make V2 (increase), but all next pattern repeats begin with k-st (no increasing)

  2. Christl

    Hi Lisa,
    i do have the same problem like Brenda in the post above ( 9. nov. 2012).

    row 107 on clue 6, i do the chart without the nupp.
    The repeat of the center chart for row 103 and 105 was 13 stitches. I only count 11 for row 107. What do I do with the extra 2 stitches for each repeat of the chart?

    i also read your comment at the post of knitty alice. The pattern works at the first rep with first stitch (right). but then i´m missing 2 stitches of the other reps. why?

    Thank you very much for your help!

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      At row 107 the pattern repeat include centre and left part. I just split chart for better view, so there are 13 sts per repeat.

      1. Christl

        aaaaaaah, thank you Meeli!!!! that is the reason why there is a thick outline at the left side on the left part. cheers!!! 😀

  3. Melanie Jackson

    This is a beautiful shawl. I hope I am able to get to this next spring. Thank you for putting the pattern in a PDF.

  4. Laura Scott

    After picking up yarn overs from the 12 stitches casted on in Clue 2, I had 105 stitches. Should I just go back far enough in pattern to the cast off so that I get the 91 stitches? I too admire how absolutely beautiful this pattern is!

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      No, I think that just decrease 14 sts evenly and follow the Clue 3. I believe that solution works 😉

  5. Catherine

    Hi, Thank you for your beautiful pattern. I’m having trouble with clue 2. When I finished row 1, I had 71 stitches on the needle. I cast the additional stitches and started with the pattern but I don’t see how I get 90 rows out of the 71 stitches. Can you please help?

    1. Meeli

      Hello! Clue 2 is knitted on other direction (from write to left), please read again the pattern. And the number 90 isn’t rows number, but it marks yo from where you pic up new stitches for clue 3.

  6. .

    le clue 2 se tricote en hauteur ou en largeur? pourquoi seulement 13 mailles alors que j’en ai 71? merci

  7. .

    je ne comprend pas comment tricoter le clue 2 quelqu’un pourrait’il m’aider? ne faut ’il travailler que sur les 13 premieres mailles rajoutées? que fait on des autres? merci je suis perdue!

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      I’m sorry but I can’t understand even by help Google translator what is your problem. Is it about Clue2? There you cast on 12 addidional stitches and knit back and forth these stitches, and join the last stitch to the main part. I hope there is someone who can explain it in French.

  8. Brenda

    Hi, We just finished this shawl, and while it is beautiful, we are both a bit disappointed. It does not look like the pictures in ravelry. It doesn’t have nearly the number of rows, and there are no points around the bottom edge. I used the 6 clues….perhaps we got the wrong pattern?
    Again, don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful little shawl, but not nearly as long as the one pictured. Ours looks like the very last ravelry picture….the white one that is being blocked at the bottom…..rounded edge, no points!!
    Perhaps there is another pattern for the wine colored and the multi colored shawl?!?!?
    Thanks for any info….

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      No, there arn’t different patterns. And there are 6 clues. At Ravelrys pattern page the last photo is made after finishing Clue2, so it is not a final shawl picture.
      You tryed to block the shawl and pin the points at edge? And you couldn’t do that? I wish I could be close to you, from here I can’t help you….

  9. Наталья

    Спасибо за ответ! Я написала Ksenofontik, буду надеяться на её помощь.

  10. Наталья

    Какая красивая шаль! Я увидела её на Ravelry, просто замечательный узор! Хотелось попробовать связать, не знаю, разберусь ли с английским. Нет у вас перевода на русский?

  11. Lisa

    I loved making this shawl and it is so beautiful that I just could not give it away.
    Thank you for sharing this pattern!

  12. Brenda

    I too, am having trouble with row 107. On clue 6….there are actually 3 charts. The main one and one on each side….but it isn’t clear what to do with these. I’m assuming it’s like before and you knit them as the edge stitches before and after the main chart? However, the repeat of the center chart for row 103 and 105 was 13 stitches. I only count 11 for row 107. What do I do with the extra 2 stitches for each repeat of the chart?
    Any help would be appreciated, please reply also to my email –
    I have two friends who are making this with me and we’re getting together Wednesday to do this clue, am hoping to have an answer before they get here!!
    Thanks so much, Brenda

  13. jamie

    i really like the pattern and think it is pretty but there are several problems in the pattern that are making me so confused. in the first 11 rows of chart 1 alone there are a few areas where if you follow the pattern there is no way you will have enough stitches to do the next row.
    in row 5 you repeat a pattern with 4 stitches 6 times, 4×6 is 24 stitches. yet in row 3 you only increase 2 stitches in one stitch for 6 stitches, 2×6 is 12 stitches…… ??? where do the other 12 stitches come from???
    in row 9 you add 2 stitches for each repeat of the pattern 6 times and end with 48 stitches, 8×6 is 48. yet in row 11 you need 53 stitches to complete the row, 5 times 9 stitches for the first pattern plus the extra 8. 5×9 is 45 plus 8 is 53. 5 missing stitches…..????
    and that is only the first 6 lines of the first clue. every one else on the comments seems to have figured out the pattern fine, i see no other comments like mine but i have had to start over 4 times and still cant get it right. the pattern is really beautiful and i want to be able to make this right but the math is so off and i am really confused.
    just to let you know.

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      I’m sorry that you have a trouble with the pattern. I try to explain a little.
      At row 3 you made 6 times 2 from 1, it’s 12 stitches. Then you start row 5, and at one repeat you need to knit, make double yo and knit again. So you have a 12 knit stitch and 12 yo’s and that matches with last odd row very well :), the keyword is here 12 knit stitches..
      The secret key for this is increasing by yo’s ;), it means that the number of stitches at next row can’t match with number of stitches at previous row.
      Try again and I hope you will succeed.

  14. knitty alice

    I am learning so much from this KAL and I am enjoying myself quite a bit. I appear to have hit a snag though in clue 6, row 107. I understand that the extra bits to the right and left of the center chart need to be knitted just before and after the repeats of the main chart but I am having trouble in the count for the main chart. Should the number of repeats in row 105 equal the number of repeats for row 107? I use lots of stitch markers and I seem to have more repeats of 107 than 105. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      If you look at chart you’ll see that at row 105 have first stitch (right) and then repeated section of stitches (middle part), no last stitch . At row 107 there are right and left section, and in the middle repeated section. At both rows the repeats are the same – 30 repeats.

  15. Brenda

    Thanks again. I do see it talking about the WS rows, I had a mental block!! 🙂
    Had our meeting today and my friends are excited. They love the shawl as much as I do. We knitted, ripped, knitted, ripped and knitted again, but it’s fun and seems to be coming along. I just finished row 17 and did my first nupps!! Now I’m ready to go back and purl them together….can’t wait to see how pretty they are.
    Thanks again, so much, for this absolutely lovely pattern!!!

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      I know what you feel :). Sometimes I do the same – miss some important tips and hints ;). I hope you will not have to do much ripping and I belive your nupps will come out very well. Wish you luck!

  16. liz

    lovely lovely shawl – I look forward to knitting it, and even more to wearing and enjoying it !!!

  17. Brenda

    Wow, thanks. I’m now a “nup knitter” 🙂
    Question on Clue 1…..I’ve looked and looked and cannot find any mention of even rows. The chart shows only odd rows, what do you do on the even rows?
    Perhaps I overlooked it?
    Thanks so much. I have two friends coming today and we’re each starting this lovely shawl, I’m so excited!!

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      Thank you 🙂
      If you read the page 2 of Clue1, you can see the text:
      “All chart sts in WS are purled, unless otherwise stated. Except double YO-s, where first yo is purl stitch and the second yo knit stitch.”
      The WS rows are even rows. NB! Look carefully at Chart 1, there are marked some even rows (WS) and those have to knit instead of purling.

  18. Brenda

    Hello, I just found this lovely pattern and am ready to start but what is a nupp and how do you do one?
    thanks so much, Brenda

  19. Jen Luker

    On clue 2, do I knit the first three stitches of the edging before I cast on the 12 stitches, or do I ignore the edging and cast on 12 stitches?

    1. Meeli

      On Clue 2 you ignore the 3 edging stitches. Just do knitting cast on for 12th stitches and follow the instructions.

  20. Pat Brown

    Thank you for sharing this. Clue 5 is timing out – I can’t get it. Is anyone else having trouble? It’s sooo beautiful!

    1. Meeli

      Thank you!
      If you have a problem with clues opening, try again – may be server is busy. I’ll don’t move them anywhere, the Clues will stay here.

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      Спасибо! К сожалению, в русском переводе нет.

  21. liz

    thank you for putting your incredibly lovely design into english!! I look forward to doing this…

  22. kadootje

    Just started and finished clue one. I decided to use beads instead of the nupps. It is avery nice and interesting knit. Already can’t wait to wear it.

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      I saw that you are a member of Raverly, there you can show your pictures of shawl progress :). If you understand enough estonian-language you can later up-load the picture of finished shawl at forum Isetegija.

  23. Susan Allen

    Thank you so much for translating. I’m just finishing up clue 2 and really enjoying the pattern. 🙂
    slohne on ravelry.

  24. Hanna

    I was already starting to learn estonian, but I really want to start knitting! So thank you so much for translating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀

  25. Chris Colavizza

    wow, thank you so much for posting this for us! I’ve been drooling over it since you first posted it and could barely register on your website! Lovely design! Thank you so much!

  26. marian

    I worked with Google translate to get going but your translations makes much more sense!

    I have a challenge with the 3/3, found on another site this helpful note… 🙂

    knit 3 stitches from 3 stitches, knit 3 stitches together and increase of them 3 stitches: 3 gathered stitches, knit 3 stitches together but do not slip these stitches from the left needle, (yo, knit the same 3 stitches together again and leave on the needle as before) 2 times, then slip the 3 stitches from the left needle. Be sure to work these stitches in the correct order on the following row.
    Is this the way to go?

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      Thank you!

      The stitch 3/3 is the same as Laminaria’s 3-into-3 star. I copy here the explanation from there: K3tog without dropping sts from left needle; yo, k same 3 sts together again and drop from left needle. Number of sts has not changed.

      I hope now that stitch will not caused any problem for knitters.

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      It depends on your joice of yarn – if it’s very fine, then you have to knit 7- or 9-stitches nupps. If just a normal 🙂 lace yarn the 5-stitches nupps are also pretty.

    1. Meeli Postituse autor

      Thank you! I’m addicted-to-knit-person, so I’m glad if other knitters wanted to do the same 😀

  27. mosil1949

    I am very happy about the English translation.
    Thank you very much for your effort and for sharing this beautiful pattern with us.
    Regards, Monika


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